
...friends, keep the old. The old cover silver and gold.

I look at these peoples' profiles and see all their wall conversations. Then, I look at their pictures and I realize it: they have no one new; only friends from high school. All the previous wishes of mine go away and I am happy that that will not be me. Not only will I have all new friends, but they will be friendships for forever. Yes, these people have strong high school friendships, but there should be more beyond that, at least in my mind. I will come home and have an awesome time with Amelia, but I will have friends when I go back to school; not friends that I knew before my Linfield days. Everything will be so wonderful. My amazing roomie, Miss Bri, and I will have adventures and blasts together; I will rock the soccer field with Jen; I will play it up in the band with Zoe... These all are friends I know that I will already have, and yet there are more on their way that I haven't even met yet. I am so excited to leave for this new canvas of life.
And yet, at the time of wanting the new canvas, a rekindled paper arises. This is a paper which I do not know where to place yet want to keep and admire all of forever. I love him nearly more than I love myself: this I will not deny. I need someone to talk me through life this summer...someone to have fun with. But breaking up. Ohhhh breaking up. It will be done soon enough though. I shall discuss with Sue it first though. Tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow. I love him.


Hot Then You're Cold

Random Ups & Downs (& Visa Versa)
1. Having an awesome day playing at the middle schools and then getting blown off when I was going to hang out with Beta
2. Being extremely sick and then getting a call from Linfield telling me I'm in!


Let's Take It Nice & Easy

Top Ten Random Questions To Ask On A First Date
1. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be?
2. If you could make any kind of smoothie, what would it be?
3. If you were a bad person, what would you do?
4. What band/singer is what you would call your "guilty pleasure"?
5. Where do you want your honeymoon to be?
6. What is the most romantic or random place you have kissed?
7. Describe your room to me
8. If you could eliminate one singer/band from the world of music, who would it be?
9. What is the worst injury that you've ever had?
10. Would you believe me if I told you that I had eleven toes?*

*I would not suggest actually asking this


So this is love: hmm hmm hmm hmmmm

Top Ten Reasons I Love Linfield
1. The Elementary Education program
2. The fact that the music director gave me a hug goodbye
3. The soccer team is looking for recruits like me
4. Friendly, attractive, male students saying "hi" and starting conversations randomly
5. I now have a "Beat Whitman" button
6. They have a very successful football team
7. School spirit is HUUUUUGE. :D
8. Their soccer field is of grass
9. I will always be busy

Song of the Day:
Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons


Help Me If You Can I'm Feeling Down

Top Ten Ways I Will Most Likely Be Sent To The Hospital
1. At the one intersection going down 268th where people don't understand that cross traffic does not stop. Too many close calls, my goodness!
2. By sitting in the bathroom with the heater blasting
3. Accidentally eating a bomb
4. One word: toaster.
5. My laptop sitting on my lap so much that it roasts me
6. Freak accident involving a cougar, Pavarotti, and a stick of butter
7. Crying while blow drying hair, to the point where it electrocutes me.
8. Becoming too excited
9. Getting what I deserve for almost killing Hanna all those times in racquet sports
10. A broken heart. (HAHAHAHAHA)

Song of the Day:
The Last Song by McFly


Oh Snap!

Top Ten Day Ruiners
1. Spilling coffee over your brand new white shirt
2. Forgetting your bag of Lucky Charms in the car that just drove off
3. Missing your airplane
4. Not being able to find your cell phone/purse
5. Getting chills
6. Being all wet or muddy out in the cold
7. Hurting your ankle to the point where it's as swollen as a balloon.
8. Starting your period
9. Getting called out on falling asleep in class/important thing
10. When depressing songs are stuck in your head

Song of the Day:
Lucky by Britney Spears


Relax, take it eee-eee-sayy

Top Ten Reasons To Relax
1. Everything is mellowing out
2. Linfield is the perfect college.
3. I have support from everyone in my family
4. Scott will be checking his email daily
5. There is love all around me
6. I have tickets to an amazing show on Valentines Day!
7. My Psych episodes are almost done!
8. I have a lot of friends to be with until graduation
9. WASL week isn't long away! And I have a Polaroid!
10. Everything happens because this is the best of all possible worlds. :)

Song of the Day:
Relax, Take it Easy by MIKA



Top Ten Most Painful Things I've Seen/Experienced
1. Losing someone close to you
2. Falling on field turf when it's frozen and snow is falling
3. Spraining ankles.
4. Cramps that do not go away
5. Burning your entire tongue with hot chocolate/cider/etc
6. Being overheated and then getting the chills. Aka fevers.
7. Needles.
8. Waiting to see if colleges accept
9. Being rejected.
10. Feeling alone and unloved.

Song of the day:
Hold Me by Weezer


I don't know, I guess I love it when I see you call

Top Ten Saved Texts:
1. "Yeah since they are winning :) eleven thirty", from Doug who allowed me to stay out later after a football game since Stanwood was beating Arlington!
2. "I'll be calling you soon!", from Riley who I kept telling "call me when you're nearly ready to pick me up for the symphony!" I don't know why I even like that one so much...haha
3. "haha no way! i sing to mine all the time. :) i personally think it gets the foods spirit up so cooks faster :)", from Christina talking about green beans. :)
4. "Ohhh. Haha. I can make up a cool title for it too! It will be a bored game. Hahahahahhhaha. If only you could hear me laughing now over my lame joke hahaha" from me to Riley. Great joke that always makes me smile. Hahaha.
5. "Haha he looks like he recognizes me or something Haha WHAT IS WITH ALL THE STARING IN THIS WORLD? Haha" from Amelia. The message that I got right after this one was just as good. Priceless moments!
6. "I guess i was a liar. My watch somehow went behind the time instead of ahead where i last sit it' haha hope you're driving fast." from Riley. Basically sums up the humor of the night where I made it home in five minutes on a ten minute drive.
7. *The one from Amelia that is my oldest saved text* :)
8. "Haha i understand. Just try not to concentrate on it, enjoy the scenery :)" from Jordan that just makes me smile every time. A good way to live life!
9. "OH!!!! LYNETTE SUSAN COLE!!!!!! Hahahaha I hate you, totally just kidding really but wow you seriously got me...haha not even kidding" from Hanna, because I totally owned her.
10. "Yes pretty girl in ahead and sign it for me the in is suppose to be a go" from my dear daddy. I didn't even have to look at that one, because I know it by heart. I saved this one for last because it is my favorite. :) :)

Song stuck in my head all day:
Lucky By Jason Mraz & Colbie Callait


Sentimental Value

Top Ten Favorite Random Things On My Bedroom Wall
1. My really creepy fortune cookie fortune
2. The balloon I received from Hanna's mom when Mardi died.
3. Part of the sheep skin that Pouncer and I used to lay on together.
4. The Ziploc bag of mud that came off my pants mud rolling at an SHS basketball game in 2006
5. All my pictures from the mall "Pay $3 To Get Your Picture Taken" things.
6. The doll off the weird pen that Christina bought me from The Dollar Store
7. My flowers (Assorted from the arrangement from Grant, my birthday ones from Amelia and Hanna, the carnation from Easton, and some from a Camano Junction dance)
8. The popcorn bag
9. My prayer pillow with an Eevee Pokemon card inside of it
10. All the beautiful pictures of my friends and I.

Song stuck in my head all day:
Shiny Stockings by Count Basie
Song I recommend to get hooked on:
Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy


Homework Procrasina... Eh, I'll finish the title later

Top Ten Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework
1. Find a place where you always sit down and always complete it.
2. Change you MySpace and Facebook passwords to "jlrjldjf1" so that you can't get on.
3. Find a set time to always be done with you work.
4. Take your backpack inside the house.
5. Set limits for amount of time on the computer.
6. Just close the laptop. You'll feel much better.
7. Turn off all your electronics and keep them off.
8. Give yourself plenty of time to sleep at night. It's far easier to do homework when you are not tired.
9. If you really need to type on the computer to "someone", make a blog like this and use to satisfy your desires.
10. If all computer things fail, block the websites that you're spending too much time on.


Major Factors

Top Ten Things That Are Stressing Me Out
1. Not knowing if I'm in Whitman or not (January 23rd...)
2. Having no camera to get up new pictures with
3. Waiting for the new Gossip Girl to come to iTunes or something!
4. My procrastination problem
5. Like, totally not having a date for Tolo, DUH!
6. That my picture on Facebook isn't uploading
7. That my hips keep popping (although it is kinda cool_
8. That I never get enough sleep, but say! Lookie right now!
9. Other application essays that I might have to do.
10. That I'm stressed. Haha.