
Random Dates

  1. Take a hike in the woods
  2. Go "people watching" at the mall
  3. Go exploring around some Historical Sites
  4. Go to the mall and pretend to shop for something (like an engagement ring or a car)
  5. Go to an art museum
  6. Walk down a busy road eating M & M's and wave at the cars that are the same color as the M & M you just ate.
  7. Have a grass fight
  8. Make paper boats and float them down a stream or pond
  9. Play cops and robbers.
  10. Have a water balloon fight.
  11. Make and fly paper airplanes.
  12. Create "fine" art (finger painting, jewelry making, play dough)
  13. Play hopscotch in an empty parking lot.
  14. Make kites and fly them at a park
  15. Play croquet in the dark using flashlights.
  16. Have a nerd contest. Set a dollar limit and go to a thrift shop. Then go somewhere wearing the outfits you bought.
  17. Do improvisational games together and with a large group.
  18. Go to a friend's or relative's concert or performance. Rate them using the star system.
  19. Give your own concert for friends or family.
  20. Go to the dress rehearsal of a play. They're often open to the public the afternoon before a play starts and they're usually free.
  21. Check out your favorite childhood books from the library and read them to each other.
  22. Go ice blocking (sliding down big hills on a large block of ice--check for permission first).
  23. Take a drive in a canyon or through a scenic area.
  24. Have a bonfire/corn roast. Get permission to use someone's field. Notify local fire department.
  25. Climb a trees.
  26. Play charades.
  27. Have a sword fight with utensils or empty wrapping paper rolls.
  28. Go caroling, even if it isn't around Christmas.
  29. Play board games (Balderdash, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Encore, Scattergories, etc.)
  30. Perform lip syncs.
  31. Make a spoof video and post it on YouTube.
  32. Go to a baseball game late (you usually get in for free).
  33. Make snow sculptures.
  34. Build and igloo or fort.
  35. Write letters to friends who are far away.
  36. Play video games together (Dance Dance Revolution is a great date game).
  37. Make presents for an upcoming birthday or holiday.
  38. Be a singing telegram service for friends on Valentine's day or someone's birthday (the more goofy the lyrics the better)
  39. Play balloon volleyball inside with yarn for a net.
  40. Watch an outdoor movie (using a sheet and a projector)
  41. Make "cars" out of cardboard boxes and make the outdoor movie into a "drive-in" movie by sitting in the "cars" while you watch.
  42. day hike and picnic
  43. Regressive dinner (start with desert and work backwards to the salad)
  44. Play mini-golf
  45. Go to salvation army/deseret industries and pick out a "special outfit" that the other person has to wear for the rest of the date.
  46. Make pizza (this can be a competition if it's a group date)
  47. Play Pictionary with pudding instead of pencils
  48. Feet painting (can be made into a competition for group dates)
  49. Paper airplane contest (whoever can build an airplane that flies the farthest has to buy the other person desert

This was found at http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons/dating/things_to_do_date.html
Thank you!

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